CFFEF History

The CFF Education Foundation received its charitable status (registration number 889034799 RR 0001) in 1991. Ever since, CFFEF has embarked upon a variety of various fundraising initiatives and activities, such as organizing large and well-attended concerts, gala fundraising dinners, film nights, special programs and celebrations, and in the early years, direct mail campaigns.

By July 31, 2012, CFFEF had raised ca. 1.2 million dollars, of which U of T was given $25,000-40,000 annually toward the cost of the professorship in Finnish Studies. In addition, in 2009 CFFEF donated $500,000 to the University of Toronto toward the ultimate goal of endowing the Chair in Finnish Studies for perpetuity.


The Canadian Friends of Finland Education Foundation is a registered charitable organization (889034799 RR 0001) founded in 1990 for the sole purpose of supporting the Finnish Studies Program at the University of Toronto.

U of T Finnish Studies Program

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