Our Fundraising Goal

The vision: A permanent home for Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto.
The main goal of the CFFEF is simple: to raise the funds required to establish an endowment to fund a Chair in Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto in perpetuity.
By definition, an endowment is a pool of funds raised by a non-profit organization which is invested, and which generates interest or ongoing income to the non-profit for a designated purpose. The principal is never spent, allowing for its continual re-investment and growth over time.
The establishment of a Chair in Finnish Studies will preserve and expand the study of Finnish language, culture and society at U of T, securing the program’s status as the most comprehensive of its kind in North America. CFFEF’s vision is to build upon the program’s designation as a Centre of Excellence, through a number of possible means.
Simply put, our goal is to secure the funds required to establish a permanent, ongoing Chair of Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto.