Canadian Friends of Finland Education Foundation (CFFEF)

The mission of the CFFEF, a registered charitable organization, is to provide financial and other support to the Finnish Studies Program at the University of Toronto.

In order to accomplish this mission, CFFEF raises funds in various ways. Our main objective is to raise sufficient funds to endow a Chair in Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto.

Canadian Friends of Finland Education Foundation (CFFEF)

The mission of the CFFEF, a registered charitable organization, is to provide financial and other support to the Finnish Studies Program at the University of Toronto.

In order to accomplish this mission, CFFEF raises funds in various ways. Our main objective is to raise sufficient funds to endow a Chair in Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto.

Canadian Friends of Finland Education Foundation (CFFEF)

The mission of the CFFEF, a registered charitable organization, is to provide financial and other support to the Finnish Studies Program at the University of Toronto.

In order to accomplish this mission, CFFEF raises funds in various ways. Our main objective is to raise sufficient funds to endow a Chair in Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto.

Canadian Friends of Finland Education Foundation (CFFEF)

The mission of the CFFEF, a registered charitable organization, is to provide financial and other support to the Finnish Studies Program at the University of Toronto.

In order to accomplish this mission, CFFEF raises funds in various ways. Our main objective is to raise sufficient funds to endow a Chair in Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto.

A Centre of Excellence

The Finnish Studies Department at the University of Toronto has the largest, most comprehensive program dedicated to the study of Finnish language and culture in North America.

Help us to keep it strong for generations to come.


Our Fundraising Goal

The goal of CFFEF fundraising efforts is to establish a permanent home for Finnish Studies at the University of Toronto.

The video below was made for our 2015 crowdfunding campaign (more info here). Though that specific campaign was only for one month, most of the content of this video is still very relevant today. Watch it to learn more about Finnish Studies at the U of T, and why it’s so important to preserve it.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Spring 2022 FundRazr campaign. With your help, we raised almost $13,000!
Click the campaign box for details:

Finnish Studies at the U of T Today